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RADIO DEADLY - Ep7: LOVE YOU TO DEATH: A Tribute to Peter Steele
On the 11th anniversary of the death of the larger-than-life frontman for Type O Negative, Peter Steele, Radio Deadly pays their respects.
Michale shares a letter he wrote to the Green Man and Pawl Bazile talks about what it was like to work with him toward the end of his life. Both Michale and Pawl give Peter Steele credit for personally launching their careers. Throughout the show, we will be exclusively sharing never-before-seen footage from Peter's last interview, taken for the documentary "Living the American Nightmare."
Arturo Santaella sits in as the guys share thoughts, memories, and stories about one of music's most mythic figures.
Nobody emptied more bottles and filled more groupies than Peter. There was nobody bigger, louder, more humble, or more generous. RIP Peter.
Michale Graves will return every Thursday with a Generation X attitude, punk politics, talk and opinion.
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Apr 15th, 2021